Surgical Conference Travel Scholarship 

This year we have established a scholarship award intended to support a trainee in any surgical specialty with travel funds so that they can present original research in the field of surgery. We are opening the application to any surgical trainee in COSECSA nations. The closing date for the application is November 1, 2023. The award provides up to $1000 in funding that can be used to offset the trainees travel expenses and will be reimbursed after the research has been presented.

To qualify for the scholarship trainees should:

*If abstract has been submitted but not yet accepted you may still apply. If your application is accepted for the award but your research is not accepted, the next qualified applicant will receive the award. You may still apply the following year.

If you are interested in applying please send an email introducing yourself as well as a current C.V to After reviewing C.V., if applicant meets basic criteria, an application will be sent with further information.